Defiant Hearts "Arlington" 6131 Records
For fans of: Bane, Killing the Dream, Dead Hearts, etc. Sharply produced, fast as fuck passionate Mass hardcore. Some pauses and slow parts (moments to reflect, i guess. very deep.) that aural landscape of discordant noises and tremolo - but sparse and quick. Not indulgent like Verse.
Mostly, these dudes get down to business. Like the speed and intensity of MPB, but replacing the dark and doom with the tonality and chords of turning point. Jangly bass and wandering soloing creates a sense of urgency, pushed by pummeling drumd in 4/4 time. Lyrics are abstract and morose. Again, this will be grouped with Have Heart and MLIW - but this is tighter and better, if that stuff turns you off. Lots of breakdoowns and gang chant moments; expect constant stage dives. Good chaotic, sweaty posi-core - self-proclaimed "melodic hardcore". These dudes give nods to mid-'80s Dischord stuff, but that may be more inspirational that musical. This CD is taut, fierce music. Not revolutionary, but a pretty good outing.
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