okay, okay, i do hardcore reviews here. not drama perpetuating or shit talking. So, i will review this cd and not talk about all the drizama that surrounds RTL. Anyway, that being said. THIS ALBUM FUCKIN' RULES!!!!! if you got over these dudes awhile ago or have slept on them recently - this shit is tight and 25 ta Life's best output in years; best since FLC (the last with starting guitarist Fred).
You should know, i have purchased 25 ta Life CD's everytime they come out. i am a fan. the previous 3 have been good, but not great. Hit and Miss to me. Songs like "Fight Dirty" and "Believe In Me" and "Question Yourself" and "Fallen Angel" are great highlights. Other songs will have great hooks or lyrics or breakdowns, but something brings them down. It could be RTL trying to actually sing or repeated verses going on too many times or the song itself going on too long (5 -6 minutes).
Point being, this album has eliminated all those issues. Songs vary when they could get too repetitive. They end when they should. These have amazing riffs, crushing breakdowns, growled vox that fit perfectly. And if you're wondering, the "bleeeech!" vox are absent. *(also, meaning, of course, that "blaaah!" written in the lyric sheet is also void, like on CC's song, "Two Face". Classic, kid.)
The opening track, "Heroin Demon" is killer. Double bass kicks ride us in over a strong guitar part. Head bobbing. Check the breakdowns at 1:30 and the switch up at 2:00. Keanu style, "Woah". Some ill drums and quick leads in transistion. What i am most impressed about on this track (and whole CD) is the friggin drums. Tighter than braids on 8th Grade Picture day. So sick. The riffs are tough and act as an impetus to start throwing fists. Lyrically, it takes some from a previous 25TL song, "Prepare Yourself" off of the prior CD; but this is new and improved. RTL vox are kept back in the mix a touch - so, it adds nicely, not distracting or overdone. No AF "One Voice" imitation here, just HC growls. Amazing song.
track 2, "Stay Up" may be my favorite. Fast old school speed; verse lines alternate with gang vox of "Stay Up!" chants that propel us through the song. Then, at the :30 mark, breakdown chorus. Again, the highlight is the tight, double bass romp of the drums. A surprise after the 2nd chorus is a 'solo'. But then the liner notes indicate that the guest is Bobby Biohazard. So, i'll take it. it fits well into the song and that the entire song is 4 minutes, it is not over indulgent. Whole jam is very SubZero. Good NYHC.
track 3, "Kept Blind", comes in a little mid-tempo/melodic; then it bursts into another fast paced Old School NYHC song. This song is the best one. "We are all fucked, Shit outta Luck" lyrics. The chorus has a great riff structure, that is classic pick-up change style but injects that new school bounce/step style that the new kids love. The song returns to that slow/melodic tune for an oasis, but that leads us into a heavy slow breakdown.
track 4, GG cover of "You don't like me...". I am sure this lets RTL vent some of his recent frustrations with this soap opera HC generation. They do this cover perfectly. Sounds awesome.
Track 5, "Crazy BNI" has weird guitar line that leads it - and other parts have, dare i say, a groove. I mean, there is no flirting with a commercial sound here, do not let me leave that impression. Lyrics are a little repetitive, but they are so good in a hardcore sense, i like it. ("Love Kills, it will destroy!"). The final 1/3 of the song has a punk bounce into a breakdown. A really great HC sound. RIP Raybeez.
Track 6, "Insults and Misery" has Jay Reason and RTL exchange vox; less growl/more sing. But not strewn out, just straight and to the point. The song is quick and fast and fuckin good.
Track 7 is (another) Warzone cover from 25TL. But it is one of the greatest HC songs of all time. Again, they nail it. it sounds perfect. They even got some of the nuances of the original. Don't forget the struggle, don't forget the streets. always keep the faith.
Track 8 "Hellbound" goes on a little long at 4:24 minutes, and has some of that singing that irks me. It is a good song, but some of it should of hit the cutting room floor.
Track 9 ""We're all Guilty" is a song that could have been a CC song (remember, in '96 when they two were separate, distinguishable entitties?). Lyrically it is a stream of conscience style - so it rids it of the repetition for the first half, but it just does not sit well with me. The song definitely could have been a minute shorter. But i do like the punkier approach of the music.
Track 10, "Tom's song" is just strumming of a guitar over feedback. i don'y get it. but being a fan of dfifferent music, it ends the cd on a calming transitional note.
The key to this release being so good is the goddamn production, straight up and down. Spectacular decision making. Whether that is more RTL or Greg Thomas, i have no idea. But the drums are amazing. The guitars and bass are perfect. The back-ups and vox are balanced well and mixed to strengthen the songs, not to be the spotlight. Everysong has a guest, mad boston heads on it - so, it makes me happy. I would like to acknowledge Ezra and Petey Pablo's presence, as they were on the last two CDs. I think the fact they have been doing 25TL for the last 5 years have remarkebly solidified and improved the music released under this moniker. They are great HC songwriters and players. The vocals are focused and restrained. All factors to a powerful NYHC album. Also, RTL has dropped the long list of people, crews, bands or complaints at the end of each song like its a live set. so that helps a lot, too.
Just too repeat: if the name 25 ta Life makes you huff or shiver, have faith. This CD is incredible. Fast, tight and heavy. The vocals are balanced and concentrated. Lyrics are true HC, on the downside with a touch of survival (not optimism). And no dramatic rambling. This really brings 25 ta Life back to the forefront of hardcore. Get it.
Great review! I own this CD for quiet some time now and listened it again and again. But only after reading this post I realized how great it really is :-D